by Sam Meader | Nov 6, 2018 | Cost Reduction
If you had cancer wouldn’t you want to find out as soon as possible? Poor financial health is the number one reason companies falter or ultimately fail. With some simple screening you can detect problems, which could ultimately lead to your demise. Playing...
by Sam Meader | Sep 10, 2018 | Cost Reduction
The world today is becoming increasingly digital and this is even more true in business. Invoices from your vendors increasingly arrive via email, and are a click away in the cloud or in your servers. With all this automation you would think it would be easy to...
by Donovan Lashley | Aug 13, 2018 | Cost Reduction
Your business can’t operate efficiently if you don’t know the challenges. Below we look at 3 expense management challenges most CFO’s didn’t know existed. Most expense management problems are the result of lack of experience and knowledge. The kind of experience and...