Are You Sure You’re Not Overpaying?


Average monthly savings our partners achieve.


Success rate in our experts finding savings for implementation.

4 years

Average locked-in-savings term.

First Name
Last name
CFMA Chapter
Company Title
Phone Number
Number of Employees
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CFMA's Preferred Wireless Cost
Reduction Provider

Average lockEvery month we go line-by-line through your invoices ensuring you pay the least amount possible. 
Any missed opportunity that could lower your bills results in lost savings compounded over time. 
Through this Affinity Partnership, every dollar saved benefits each CFMA member.ed-in-savings term.

Frank J. Cinatl

Executive Vice President & CFO

"Mobilia has reduced my wireless spend by 21%."

Mobilia’s assistance has been wonderful for our company and our ESOP. I encourage you to consider giving Mobilia the opportunity to showcase their capabilities through a risk-free audit.

H. Peyton Henderson

Chief Financial Officer

"Collaborating with Mobilia Consulting has brought our company substantial saving, in money and time."

I am very happy we have increased our income by cutting costs, and I have been given great feedback from my CTO’s team. Hannah and her team of experts are quick to respond to our needs and have taught our in-house mobile department strategies we will use long term.

Lisa Jilek


"I strongly urge you to consider giving them the opportunity to showcase their capabilities through a risk-free audit."

I would like to emphasize the crucial importance of saving money for an ESOP company like ours. As you are aware, effective cost reduction strategies directly impact our ability to maximize employee benefits and company growth.

Jeff Green

Chief Information Officer

"Mobilia Consulting cut our monthly wireless bill by 60%"

Mobilia Consulting cut our monthly wireless bill by 60%, saving us thousands of dollars. Any amount of savings is of high importance; however, the amount we saved was more substantial than we thought was possible.

Todd Wilson


"I would highly recommend Mobilia Consulting."

They performed an initial review / audit upfront and at no cost, so it was a risk-free look at the saving opportunity. The ease of implementation and their focus on a non-core activity has been very beneficial.

How Much Could You Be Saving?

Schedule a call with our experts today and find out how we can make a difference for your business.